Videos introducing our conciliation services, the Employment Ordinance and good human resource management
To know the Employment Ordinance (Animation)
- Calculation of Relevant Statutory Entitlements on the Basis of the 12-Month Average Wages (Animation)
- Termination of Employment Contract : Employers' Responsibilities and Employees' Rights (Animation)
- Amendments to the Employment Ordinance on Maternity Protection (2020) (Animation)
- Clarify Your Employment Status Protect Your Rights and Benefits (Animation)
- Pay Wages On Time Handle Wage Deductions with Care (Animation)
- Good Human Resource Management – Holiday and Leave Arrangement (Animation)
Conciliation Service (Animation)
Good Human Resource Management (Animation)
- Use Written Employment Contract
- Adopt Employee-oriented Good People Management
- Family-friendly Employment Practices (Working Parents)
- Family-friendly Employment Practices (Young Employees)
- Employment of the Elderly
- Establish Effective Communication and Consultation between Employers and Employees
- Communicate and Collaborate Build Mutual Trust (Animation)
TV Announcements Labour Relations
- Protect employees' rights and safety Make prior work arrangements for poor weather conditions
- Partnership between Employers and Employees
- Penalty on wage offences
- Clarify Your Employment Status
- Clear written employment contracts Protect both employers and employees
- Offer Flexible Arrangements Promote Employment of Mature Persons
Radio Announcement